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About Us

Founded in 2021 at the invitation of the school’s Headteacher, Andrew O’Neill, the All Saints Schola Cantorum is already making a name for itself in London and beyond. 


The Schola rehearses together for an hour every weekday morning, and students receive weekly individual singing lessons paid for by the school. Based on the English cathedral school model, the Schola is nevertheless open to both boys and girls, and boys are able to remain in the choir throughout and after the process of their voices changing. The main focus of the choir is singing at weekly Mass in the school chapel, for which they learn the best of Catholic liturgical music. 


Recent external engagements include Faure’s Requiem at St James, Spanish Place, carol services at All Saints Notting Hill, and at Farm Street. Last year, the choir toured Scotland, singing at three cathedrals in Glasgow and Edinburgh in the space of 24 hours. The choir are happy to be hosting Reims and are looking forward to visiting them in July. The Schola will be making their first recording in April, and will be singing for two Masses in Westminster Cathedral this year. 

The Schola Cantorum is led by Mr Stephen Bick

Schola Cantorum


Stephen Bick

Director of Schola Cantorum

The Schola is directed by Stephen Bick. A graduate of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, he also works extensively in church music, primarily at St Elizabeth of Portugal in Richmond, where he oversees regular services, a concert series, and a choral leadership training programme. He is also active as a freelance singer, conductor, and conference speaker. His compositions have been performed at the Wigmore Hall, and recorded on Delphian. As well as running the Schola, he also teaches singing, music and music technology at the school, and runs a jazz big band, Ladbroke Groove. 

Dr James Slimings

Deputy Director of Schola Cantorum

James Slimings is the Schola singing teacher. James holds a PhD from St Andrew's University investigating the phenomenon of choral blend in operatic voices. He is a lecturer in music psychology and education at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland from which he graduated with an MMus in Vocal Studies specialising in opera. As a conductor, James has worked as chorus master for Scottish Opera and the Royal Scottish National Orchestra as well as the National Youth Choirs of Great Britain, London Youth Choir and choirs throughout the UK. He has presented original research at conferences in Australia, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, and the UK. He is musical director of Hertfordshire County Youth Choir and Head of Education and Outreach for Hatfield House Chamber Music Festival. 

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